Using fabric strips for hair removal. The standard wax uses an ultra hygienic disposable applicator system. UPPER BODY EYEBROW SHAPE | £12 Tidying up unruly brows for a shape best to suit you! HALF ARM WAX | £23 Waxing from either the elbow up to the shoulder or from the elbow down to and including the hands and fingers. FULL ARM & HAND WAX | £30 Waxing from the shoulders down to and including the hands and fingers. FULL ARM, HAND & UNDERARM | £38 Including the full arm, hands and fingers using strip wax, plus the underarms using non strip hot wax. HAND WAX | £10 Removes hair from the hands and fingers. CHEST | £25 The upper chest section from front of the shoulders and neck down to the bottom of the pecs. Strip wax will be used. CHEST, ABS AND STOMACH | £33 Chest, abs and stomach down to the top of the pubic mound. Strip wax will be used. BASIC BACK WAX | £28 The basic back wax includes just an upper and lower back wax only. The basic wax does not include the neck, shoulders or upper arms. BACK, SHOULDER & NECK WAX | £38 Includes the nape of the neck, shoulders, tops of the arms (cap t-shirt length} upper and lower back. Strip and non strip wax will be used. BACK WAX and CHEST TRIM | £48 A back. neck and shoulder wax combined with manscaping the chest. NECK & SHOULDER WAX | £14 This wax includes the shoulders, across the shoulder blades and nape of neck. Standard and hot wax will be used. LOWER BACK WAX | £14 From the mid back to the top of the butt. CHEST, & ABS | £33 Chest, abs and stomach down to the top of the pubic mound. FULL TORSO | £62 The torso wax includes, back upper and lower, shoulders, nape of neck, as well as chest and abs. Both standard and hot wax will be used STOMACH & ABS WAX | £20 Just the stomach and abs area from below the pecs to the pubic line, using standard wax. LOWER BODY BUTT CHEEK WAX | £20 A wax for the butt cheeks only, no crack! FULL LEG & FOOT WAX | £44 Removing hair from the toes and feet up the leg to the butt line. LOWER HALF-LEG WAX | £25 Removing hair from the toes and feet, up the lower leg and just over the knee. UPPER HALF-LEG WAX | £25 Removes hair from the knees and upper leg up to the butt line (not including the butt area) FOOT WAX Inc toes | £10 Removing all hair from the feet and toes, Top tip: Exfoliating 2-3 days before your appointment will give better results! Hairs should ideally be 1/2-1cm long for successful waxing. Hair that is too short will not adhere to the wax. Follow a regular routine of exfoliating 2-3 days after your wax to reduce the risk of ingrown hairs! |
SPECIALIST HOT WAX Although this system for waxing takes slightly longer, using Wax Expert Hot Wax; It comes into its own where delicate areas are involved. Clients report a large reduction in pain on hair removal, with less reddening and soreness. This is because the wax only adheres to hair and not skin, which is why 'standard waxing' of the delicate areas is not recommended. UPPER BODY NOSTRIL WAX | £12 Removing hairs on show from the nostrils leaving those higher up the nasal cavity to do their job. EARS WAX | £12 Removing hair from the outside of the ear lobe and inside section. CHEEKBONE WAX | £12 Removing hair from the cheek area below the eyes and to the top of the shave line, (not including beard area). HAIRLINE WAX | £12 Removing hair from the area above the brows and below the hairline only. FULL FACE | £40 Inc hairline,brows, ears, nostrils & cheeks. Any 2 from Brow / Nostril / Ear / Cheekbone / Hairline - £20 Any 3 from Brow / Nostril / Ear / Cheekbone / Hairline - £30 NAPE OF NECK | £12 Removing hair simply from the back of the neck up to the hairline. UNDERARMS | £15 Removing hair from the armpits only. LOWER BODY CRACK WAX | £20 Just a crack wax, no cheeks! BUTT & CRACK WAX | £30 Full butt cheek and crack wax using a combination of hot and strip wax. PUBIC TRIANGLE | £20 The hair on the pubic triangle can be either removed or shaped and trimmed as per your preference. BACK & BUTT WAX | £60 This is a full neck, shoulder and back wax plus buttocks and crack. Non strip wax is used for your comfort to remove the hair from the crack and often the neck. FULL LEG, FOOT & BUTT WAX | £68 This wax removes hair from the butt cheeks, crack, full leg, feet and toes. A combination of strip and non-strip wax is used. Top tip: Bring a clean cotton t-shirt to change into after a back or chest wax. This can help reduce any post wax irritation especially during summer months! |
# Gym, strenuous activity, hot showers or saunas for first 24 hrs post waxing, as sweat can cause and increase the risk of clogged pores.
# Tanning or sunbathing for 24-48 hrs before waxing, because doing so can make the skin more sensitive and increase the likelihood of discomfort or burns.
# Shaving between appointments. Waxing weakens the hair follicle over time, making the hair thinner and easier to extract at the root. If you shave between appointments and wax less. Denser, tougher follicles form and create more time consuming and uncomfortable waxing sessions.
# Swimming in chlorinated pools for first 24-48hrs
# Do not apply deodorants, body sprays, powders or lotions or other products to waxed areas for first 24-48 hrs, unless recommended.
# How long should I wait to get waxed if I have been shaving?
Hair needs to be about half a cm long before it can be waxed, particularly if it has been previously shaved. Please leave at least 3 weeks since your last shave and allow at least 4 weeks between wax treatments. If your hair is very long, please trim it to about 1cm prior to your intimate waxing appointment.
# Will I be 100% hairless after my first service?
Waxing is very rarely perfect the first time as there are three phases to hair growth. To be removed successfully, hair has to be growing in a specific phase. It's not until you're waxed a 3rd, 4th and possibly 5th time (4-6 weeks apart), that waxing is completely effective, as by this time most of your hair will be in the same growth phase.
# Is it normal to have redness to the skin and small bumps after waxing?
Yes it is normal to experience light redness or small bumps after waxing but these will usually subside within 24-48 hours. You can minimise any after effects by following the guidelines.
# How long does it last?
We're all different, but on average plan for a 4-6 weeks cycle for best results.
# Does it hurt?
The short answer is probably 'yes', but just a little and only for a second or two. The big bonus is the more you do it - the less it hurts! Everyone has a different pain threshold. Don't be put off by videos you see online.They represent nothing in comparison to a professional waxing service.
# I've got a holiday / modelling session / special date / wedding!
You should plan ahead! For best results, allow for at least 2 treatments spaced at 4-6 weeks apart (less if you are very hirsute or a fast grower) and a good 3 days afterwards to make sure your skin is in tip top condition.
# Why is waxing a better option for men's hair removal?
Skin stays smoother for longer when removed by waxing. Regrowth is slower and softer, and less irritating than shaving. A smooth body makes your skin look firmer, your muscles more defined, and your downstairs area look bigger!
#Are there any conditions which mean I won't be able to have a wax treatment?
If you have any form of contagious skin condition I am unable to wax the affected area until the condition has cleared up! Sunburned, chaffed or broken skin cannot be waxed until it is completely healed. As stated above clients who are taking Isotretinoin (Roaccutane / Accutane), will need to delay having wax treatments until at least six months after completing their medication. Skin that has been treated with steroid creams, Retin-A or any other retinoid acne products cannot be waxed for three months after the course of treatment has been completed.
# Should I do anything after my wax treatment?
Yes, absolutely. For optimal results, wait 2-3 days then exfoliate (gently) daily and moisturise the skin. Ingrown hairs occur because they cannot break through dry tougher skin layers.
#Will I need a patch test before I can have a wax?
You will only need a patch test if you have any known allergies or skin sensitivities, or have had an adverse reaction to waxing in the past. If you would like a patch test or are unsure as to your skins sensitivity, I recommend you to have a patch test 24- 48 hrs before your treatment. The test takes just 5 mins and is free of charge.
# What if I need to cancel my appointment?
I ask that you please give as much notice as possible if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. Unfortunately, due to a number of last minute cancellations and 'no-shows' I have had to introduce a cancellation policy which means that I will charge the full cost of the treatment for cancellations made within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time, or for non-attendance of an appointment without notice.
# Gym, strenuous activity, hot showers or saunas for first 24 hrs post waxing, as sweat can cause and increase the risk of clogged pores.
# Tanning or sunbathing for 24-48 hrs before waxing, because doing so can make the skin more sensitive and increase the likelihood of discomfort or burns.
# Shaving between appointments. Waxing weakens the hair follicle over time, making the hair thinner and easier to extract at the root. If you shave between appointments and wax less. Denser, tougher follicles form and create more time consuming and uncomfortable waxing sessions.
# Swimming in chlorinated pools for first 24-48hrs
# Do not apply deodorants, body sprays, powders or lotions or other products to waxed areas for first 24-48 hrs, unless recommended.
# How long should I wait to get waxed if I have been shaving?
Hair needs to be about half a cm long before it can be waxed, particularly if it has been previously shaved. Please leave at least 3 weeks since your last shave and allow at least 4 weeks between wax treatments. If your hair is very long, please trim it to about 1cm prior to your intimate waxing appointment.
# Will I be 100% hairless after my first service?
Waxing is very rarely perfect the first time as there are three phases to hair growth. To be removed successfully, hair has to be growing in a specific phase. It's not until you're waxed a 3rd, 4th and possibly 5th time (4-6 weeks apart), that waxing is completely effective, as by this time most of your hair will be in the same growth phase.
# Is it normal to have redness to the skin and small bumps after waxing?
Yes it is normal to experience light redness or small bumps after waxing but these will usually subside within 24-48 hours. You can minimise any after effects by following the guidelines.
# How long does it last?
We're all different, but on average plan for a 4-6 weeks cycle for best results.
# Does it hurt?
The short answer is probably 'yes', but just a little and only for a second or two. The big bonus is the more you do it - the less it hurts! Everyone has a different pain threshold. Don't be put off by videos you see online.They represent nothing in comparison to a professional waxing service.
# I've got a holiday / modelling session / special date / wedding!
You should plan ahead! For best results, allow for at least 2 treatments spaced at 4-6 weeks apart (less if you are very hirsute or a fast grower) and a good 3 days afterwards to make sure your skin is in tip top condition.
# Why is waxing a better option for men's hair removal?
Skin stays smoother for longer when removed by waxing. Regrowth is slower and softer, and less irritating than shaving. A smooth body makes your skin look firmer, your muscles more defined, and your downstairs area look bigger!
#Are there any conditions which mean I won't be able to have a wax treatment?
If you have any form of contagious skin condition I am unable to wax the affected area until the condition has cleared up! Sunburned, chaffed or broken skin cannot be waxed until it is completely healed. As stated above clients who are taking Isotretinoin (Roaccutane / Accutane), will need to delay having wax treatments until at least six months after completing their medication. Skin that has been treated with steroid creams, Retin-A or any other retinoid acne products cannot be waxed for three months after the course of treatment has been completed.
# Should I do anything after my wax treatment?
Yes, absolutely. For optimal results, wait 2-3 days then exfoliate (gently) daily and moisturise the skin. Ingrown hairs occur because they cannot break through dry tougher skin layers.
#Will I need a patch test before I can have a wax?
You will only need a patch test if you have any known allergies or skin sensitivities, or have had an adverse reaction to waxing in the past. If you would like a patch test or are unsure as to your skins sensitivity, I recommend you to have a patch test 24- 48 hrs before your treatment. The test takes just 5 mins and is free of charge.
# What if I need to cancel my appointment?
I ask that you please give as much notice as possible if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. Unfortunately, due to a number of last minute cancellations and 'no-shows' I have had to introduce a cancellation policy which means that I will charge the full cost of the treatment for cancellations made within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time, or for non-attendance of an appointment without notice.